Testing passive incomes – T-shirts (and other prints)

So I’m diving into passive income schemes. What is passive income?
Passive income is when you make something for a limited time and then it continues to make you money even if you are not doing the work anymore.
A musician that records a song, and then get’s royalties is a passive income. A painter that makes a painting and sells it once, that is not a passive income.

So I’m trying the t-shirt print game. Making t-shirts that are witty and unique. And also other things.

The way to do this is print on demand.
Print on demand is just putting the print on the thing when someone has order one. Nice for the environment!

There are a lot of options around. Redbubble and Printify and so forth.

I chose Spreadshirt, since, it I have bought stuff from them in the past and they seemed local to me (Sweden) because of the environment.

I did not put a heck of a lot of effort into thinking about this, or even do some research. Blinded by all the money I would make.

So now that I’ve taken a bunch of nice looking designs, and made some new that are witty and fun, and should be sellable, really, because they are nice looking and they are similar enough to other.

Spreadshirt has this nice thing where you can create individual “stores” but have one spot where you upload things but can create different “brands” So I used that and created a store that makes Prohibitory traffic sign but with other things. Using European style graphics.
So far the biggest seller has been the one against balloons. https://shop.spreadshirt.se/funnyverboten/f%C3%B6rbud+ballong?idea=603fa4d389e7102447680354
With 3 sales.

During these two weeks, the store has been open, 3 sales.

Guess I have to try and make ads for the shop now. Since even using the exact search terms does not end up on the ad Spreadshirt has bought on google does not show any of my t-shirts.

So I just changed the spelling of ballong from “balong” in the tag’s and installed Google search console to see what I can do with that.

Now I’m going to make a couple more Prohibitory traffic signs about the weather.

Skålar, omgång #1

Kära go vänner, här är en bunte med skålar, från min första omgång med skålar som jag svarvat “a la medeltid”

De är oslipade och ej heller inoljade. Båda kan göras, såklart. Jag har en vakum-kammare där de kan oljas in ordentligt.

Jag vill helst att de skall användas och att de som köper dem skall kunna köpa ett sett. Så, såhär:

Skål för att ha som bruksföremål vid historiska rekreationer, frukostbordet, etc o.s.v. 300:- Samma skål som prydnad/pynt 400:- Eller som så vanligt på medeltiden, en byteshandel!!

För att köpa/byta till sig en, eller flera, ta kontakt med lukas.larsby@gmail.com  berätta där vilka nummer ni är intresserade av, och om de skall oljas/slipas och om det är kontanter eller byte som gäller. (nummret finns i videon)

#10 paxad!

Ballruler, a ruler that will help you turn balls on your wooden lathe.


I like to make things, the last two years it’s been woodturning that has been taking up almost all my time. I’ve made bowls, spinning tops, vampire-killing devices, birds and a lot more stuff. Recently I’ve been into making balls. wooden balls. I’ve followed great tutorials on youtube and elsewhere. And even though I have bought a special tool that makes the ball making easier, I really like the basic old, normal, no-thrills creating an octagon and go from there. If you have no idea what that is, have a look at this youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_dp_TAvX-s

I do this when I make balls, but I don’t want to calculate the different areas every time, so I made a ruler with a couple of sizes. I originally had these on a template for each. But I misplaced half of them inside the garage workshop faster then I could use them. So I decided to make a bigger ruler that would be hard for me to lose.

Here is a video on how to use it:

Here you can download the template:



I ran mine through the laser, but a piece of paper glued on something sturdier should work great.



Accordion stuff

So I’m learning button accordion and here is a few things I made to help myself:

First out is a image with the stradella bass layout and the names of all the notes on the c-griff button side. But in portrait more witch I could not find on the internet.ah


Secondly I like to have fun so I made this :



I so far have it lasered on a piece of wood and I also bought a t-shirt with it as a print.

if you want either of the images above as a vector, lemme know!


Thirdly I made a small Processing app that shows a note and then waits for my imput_


On the left is the note the program wants you to play, and to the right is the one the program found you playing. However the identification of the note on my old accordion it has a difficult time finding the correct note sometimes. I also had to add a drift variable in the code, since, apparently the one I have is not in perfect 440hz pitch on the A.

Anyway here is the source code for processing if you want to try it out, or improve on it. notehelper



Arduboy noise synth test


I bought an arduboy, or rather I kickstarter backed it, and yesterday it arrived. So naturally I had to do a little noise synth test on it. The piezo on it is very weak, so the audio in the movie was the best I could capture. Sorry.

This is the source if you want to test it out yourselves

downlad versionIMG_20160510_222525

HelloNOISE.ino download


#include "Arduboy.h"
Arduboy arduboy;


//counter for sound
float floatI = 0;

float tempo = 0.5;

int currentsound = 4;

void setup() {


byte sound1(int i)
 return i / 13 >> (1 + ((i >> 12) & 3)) | i / 2 >> 2 & (i / 6) >> 7 | i & 31 * i * (i >> 8);

byte sound2(int i)
 return (i / 3 >> (i % 40 + 5) | i / (24 + i & 3) >> (i % (15 - ((i >> 15) % 8) * 6) + 5)) / 8;

byte sound3(int i)
 return i >> 2;

byte sound4(int i)
 return int( ((sin(i * 0.005) / 2.0) + 1) * 127);

byte getSound(byte soundtype, int i)
 //yes yes, can be done with function array pointers.

 switch (soundtype)
 case 1:
 return sound1(i);
 case 2:
 return sound2(i);
 case 3:
 return sound3(i);

 case 4:
 return sound4(i);


void loop() {

 // always write the sound out begore doing or not doing arduboy stuff
 int i = (int)floatI;
 int a = getSound(currentsound, i);

 digitalWrite(PIN_SPEAKER_1, a % 2); //writing the output sound

 floatI += tempo; //float counter so that you can set tempo

 if (!(arduboy.nextFrame()))


 for (int x = 0; x < 128; x++)
 int y = getSound(currentsound, floatI + x);
 arduboy.drawPixel(x, y % 64, 1);

 if (arduboy.pressed(A_BUTTON) ) {
 tempo += 0.1;

 if (arduboy.pressed(B_BUTTON) ) {
 tempo -= 0.1;

 if (arduboy.pressed(UP_BUTTON) ) {
 currentsound = 1;
 floatI = 0;

 if (arduboy.pressed(DOWN_BUTTON) ) {
 currentsound = 2;
 floatI = 0;

 if (arduboy.pressed(LEFT_BUTTON) ) {
 currentsound = 3;
 floatI = 0;

 if (arduboy.pressed(RIGHT_BUTTON) ) {
 currentsound = 4;
 floatI = 0;



Useless Machine


Me and the kids had this idea that we should try and win over the useless machine. It started out as a good interesting idea. The last pair of batteries we had in it lasted a couple of weeks, but that was from time to time use. Not continuos use, and we wanted to try that. How log would it take for the batteries to give up. Would the cameras we have deal with such a long recording. What could we do to avoid cheating. How long would it take to win. Could we even?