So here is my simple little processing sketch that made all the nice circles.
Here is the source and example in a nice zipfile: LazerDirector
And here is the source, copy pasted, nice!
/* Lazor Director is a sketch to make halftone images into svg files that can be sent to a laser-cutter service, examples of these are and Please note that the processing image is not a real representation of how the svg looks, the svg has far better resolution */ PrintWriter output; // We use this to pritnt the svg file PImage photo; //the original image that we want to convert to halftoneish svg void setup() { smooth(); //we want the smoothest possible edges in the image we see, can be removed for speed photo = loadImage("lobo.png"); //input image, that is, here is where you load what you want to halftone-hole (make sure it has the same size as the svg file output(se further down)) size((int)(photo.width), (int)(photo.height)); //change processings window output widht and height output = createWriter("output.svg"); background(0); //setting the background to black, this is because I have black pastic to cut out from, add here your materials color /*this is the header of the svg file. , 1080*1080 is 12"*12" (according to inkscape) */ output.println(""); output.println(""); //1080 * 1080 is 12"x12" output.println(" Test"); output.println(""); output.println(" Layer 1"); drawCircles2(photo, 12); //the function that does the finding of the circles, second parameter is how large chunks (in pixels)it shall search in. output.println(""); output.println(""); save("output.png"); output.flush(); output.close(); } void draw() { //nothing to do here } void drawCircles2(PImage photo, int spacing) { for(int j = 0; j < photo.height; j+=spacing) //looping through the image, in squares of { for(int i = 0; i < photo.width; i+=spacing) { PImage segment = photo.get(i, j, spacing, spacing); //cuting out a whole float brighnezz = getAreaBrightness(segment); //meassuring the brighness float cSize =( brighnezz/51.2); //adjusting the size of the whole depending on the brightnezz if(cSize >1.5) //to small holes, we dont care about (was 0.5 in the one I show over at: { fill(255); //white here because I want to get a feel for how it would look if added light behind stroke(255); //same here /*writing the svg information to file */ output.println(" +cSize+"\" cy=\""+j+"\" cx=\""+i+"\"/> "); /* drawing preview on screen */ ellipse(i, j,cSize, cSize); } } } } int getAreaBrightness(PImage area) { int bval = 0, count = 1; for(int i = 0; i < area.width; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < area.height; j++) { color check = area.get(i, j); bval += brightness(check); //thank you processign for having all the dedious task's as functions! count++; } } return (int)(bval/count); }