I made a song the day before yesterday, It’s noisy and I felt it needed a glitchy video. Then I ran into a brief tutorial on how to make jpeg’s glitched by editing them with a hex-editor. This took way to long time for me so I made a little os x program, “Swutits”
With this little program I can do a lot of nice stuff. and here’s a manual:
Go button creates a glitched version of your loaded image.
save check box turn’s on or of the save function (I think, I haven’t tried turning it of)
Random Seed enables you to set where the random numbers shall start, change this and press Initialize button and you will get the same image, press again and new random numbers will be taken, but always in a series from the initialized. You will be able to recreate the exact glitches should you want to.
Replace changes one number in the file to another should you have that active.
Chance changes the probability of the other glitch routine, having the meter to the left is a lot and to the right is less.
In the menu you can load a new image to glitch, it will only take jpg or jpeg files, you can also drop them on the dock.
all the files are saved to a “swutits” directory in your current logged in users Documents folder. You can easily open this via the file/Open output Folder menu option.
Remember that different image -viewers show faulty images differently, so …. results may vary.
here’s the download: Swutits
I’ve been thinking about adding the follow features:
- Batch create a bunch of images.
- Extract images from movie, glitch them, x number of times.
- Putting the glitched images into a movie.
If you have any more ideas, please comment!