Windows, no more.

Hooray, today I turned off my win32 machine that I have in the basement. I’ve been using it for mail, since I previously been to lazy to move the mails from one computer to another. I’ve also used it for instant messaging, but that to, is no more. And I don’t think I’ll compile my VST’s for win32 as long as no-one pays me explicitly to do so.

It feels good to be free!

Feedback loop pedal.

I made another pedal, a simple feedback loop chain thingy. Basically it loops the sound back so it’s a sort of short-curcuit, but you tunnel the sound through another pedal (or several) to get new and exciting sounds from your old and dull pedals.

Here’s a link to a feedback loop pedal schematic:

Doing a pedal like this is so much easier then trying to put your guitar’s mic close to the amp, and besides, you can use it with other stuff then your guitar. And you have one knob, one knob to limit the amount of feedback.

The box I built my stuff into accidentally lost the flower it had on it, so I substituted it for a picture of Deadpool.

Here are some pictures


Bomb ohoy

Monday the 8th of March will go to history. It’s also the day when I sent away the “get RITCH QUICK!” CD to CDBaby for ripping and uploading to Spotify/iTunes etc.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, it’s because you have not read I’m trying to use to get rich!

Now all I have to do is to wait, then play continuosly, then wait, then see if I make any money. right now I’m 60 usd or so back on the whole thing. is the CDBABY url, they are probably sending this to iTunes and spotify (and rhapsody, and napster etc etc) right now.

So what shall I do with all the money?!?


Me and Petter started a band a while ago, or rather Petter started it while drunk and told me via SMS. Fair enough, I like starting bands. This time however it actually amounted to something. Part of the band-starting thing was to play before Golden Rocket Pony. That did not happen, thankfully, since they play food-punk and we play noise. And the venue they where playing where so much more food-punk then noise.

I played one of the first songs for Tova, she’s 7, and I asked her what she though we should name ourselves, she listened a little bit more to the music and told me that “Gris fis” was a good name. So I told Petter, he agreed and translated it, since we’re aming for world domination. or whatever.

I’m embedding songs here, Petter has uploaded them to youtube

It’s fun to make art-music, non-tonal, non-structural music.

Akai LPD 8, a little review

So I got myself another control surface (I’ll take a photo of them all together one of these days), this time it was a Akai LPD 8.
I got it when me and Golden Rocket Pony drove 90 scandinavian miles to Bamberg, because that’s where Thomann has it’s show-house.

Anyways, the Akai LPD 8 is packed in a clear plastic, with paper for a back. You know, like the cheap headphones you bought when you where young. It comes with a CD where the manual and drivers are. I Installed the program to modify what button/knobs sends what where, but I dont think I’ll ever use it.The USB cable that comes with is long, witch is nice.

The knobs are Akai LPD 8 has 8 pads and 8 knobs. The knobs are small, but spaced so that it’s not really a problem. They do what they are supposed to. The pads are a bit numb. This wouldent do anything if you’re launching a clip or to from Ableton Live, but when you try to do a little bit of finger-drumming (especially since you watched that guy with that awesome system on youtube that you wanna get as good as) it’s a bit of a problem. I never had that problem at all with the Korg padKontrol, those pad’s are awesome.

So far very good for it’s price 510:- was what it cost when I bought it, but now the real bad thing comes in. I sometimes get ghost hits. I’ve located it to a special angle and the center of a pad. This is bad, it makes the drumming sound like hickups. I sent a question to the Akai support but haven’t received any information back if this is a known issue or a fault with my unit.

It’s pretty hard to search for this error on the Internet, all ghost tap and double tap etc just gives bogus information, I tried to find comfort in my multiracial homies back at #hexawe, but they where useless 🙂

Anyway’s I’ll probably keep it, wait for something to pop-up, maybe modify it (like there are videos of ppl doing with other akai – gear) I’ll just use my Korg padKontrol for the fingerdrumming.

NastyBass for the PocketPiano

I made a sketch for critter and guitari’s Pocketpiano Arduino-shield (it was the for the first Arduino I bought, and the reason I bought the first Arduino)
There is a video of me explaining it here:

But Critter and guitari ( ) newer published the source-code I sent to him/them, whatever.

And since this one guy asked for it on the internets I though I’d share it with you all, so here it is: PocketPiano_NastyBass

Another get rich quick scheme.

So what I’ve heard that you get a quarter of a hundredth of a Swedish Krona every play you get from on Spotify. So I was thinking that I might try and get rich by doing very little.

I made some calculations on how much I could get if I played one song continuously, without further ado:

So I’m gonna go to cdbaby with a CD with 15 new songs, that all should be about one seconds long. So if I do this and only play the songs myself on repeat I’ll make 78 840 Sek in a year, that’s about 10 000 Usd or 8000 Eur.

To skew the results I’ll try and skew the results in my favor by naming the songs to very bland and easy to find if you search for other songs, mohahahahaha.

Here are the 15 songs with my new band “Get RITCH QUICK!” and the album “The sound of money”

01 The
02 Love
03 She
04 One
05 My
06 A
07 Money
08 Lets let’s
09 Its it’s
10 In
11 I
12 Dont don’t
13 Come
14 Baby
15 All


KeffMeff is a touchpad synthesizer. There are five different sounds, choosable by pressing menu. The sounds are crazy noisy noises. Control them by moving your finger around.

And it’s for the Android, get it at the android market!