Flash on the Android

It scares me.

Even less quality on the apps will ensue.


Because Flash has never been fast (Adobe has previously failed to get phone manufacturers to make their whole UI in Flash, because mobile Flash … sucked)
Because (most) Flash “developers” are satisfied when shit works, not when their shit is actually cpu and resource friendly. We’re gonna get loads of “works on my pc” shit for the applications now.
Because it will not help with the diversification, and hardware segregation that is already a big problem on Android.

I’d happily be proven wrong, but the only thing Adobe Flash has been good for the last years are forcing ppl to buy newer hardware.

The future is looking more and more bright for Apple’s iPhone.

If you don’t agree with me, you are wrong.

Those new Spotify features.

Social things I’ll just not talk about now, but the local library thingy makes me wonder.

I don’t have a pro account, so I have the ad’s, and there are plenty of ad’s.

I also have loads of music locally that isn’t in Spotify’s database. But I still get ad’s when listening to those songs.

How does that work? who get’s that money? HUH?

Found this though:

Will Spotify play ads when listening to local files?
We do not play audio advertisements while you are listening to your own files. If you listen to a playlist with a mix of local and streamed tracks you will hear audio ads but the ad timer will stop during the playback of your own files.

But they still show the ad’s!

iBook and why it will fail (but I still read books on my iPad)

iBook, a flagship application from Apple on the iPad. It’s supposed to revolutionize reading (in an amazing ang magical way).

First off, the bookshelf, it’s ugly and clunky. I want to feel lightness when I’m holding the iPad, a big clunky wooden bookshelf does not do this for me.

Secondly, the page-peel effect, it does not do it for me, at all.

Thirdly, and this is probably the biggest beef, why are the books so expensive? I mean, really really expensive. One category is “Sci-fi books under $7 “. If I go into a book-store and look at the pocket books they cost the same and even less in some cases.
Why is a digital book so expensive? A Full season of the tv-show Glee in the iTunes store is $59.99, Avatar goes for $14.99. How many persons do you need to write a book? Probably the same amount that it takes to write the script of one of the tv-shows, or a movie. But then you have all the rest of the stuff that comes with a movie production. And isn’t the digital way supposed to save the trees and the environment and all that? At least you don’t have to print the books, transport them etc etc. Then why is the price on books in the iBook store so high? WHYYYYYYYYY?

Anyways, I don’t read books in iBook, I use cloudreader wich is an awesome and free program. Not only does it show pdf’s brilliantly, it does show all the comic book formats there is. Navigation is easy and fast as you can se in this youtube-clip (not made by me) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdxsdlWAHTo
You add the files via itunes and the connection to your iPad, dead easy.

So to sum up, iBook I don’t use, the iBook store are taking (IMO) to much money for the books, I read books on the iPad with cloudreader, and you should to!

get RITCH QUICK, follow upp

As an update to one of my cunning plans

It seems that I’ve not yet has gotten the get RITCH QUICK up on Spotify although it’s available on iTunes.

That is not all though, it seems that cbbaby makes the audiosamples to be 8seconds, that makes my previous calculations faulty by a factor of 8.

I also checked another band that I have on spoify, and found out that per play I really get 0.00090426 SEK or  0.00012614 USD, wich is a lot less then 0.0025 SEK, so it will take 8 times longer to get a third of the calculated money.

Unless this really surfaces on Spotify I’d like to file this experiment under Epic fail rather then a regular fail.


Me and Staffan have been working on a little game.

It all started when I wanted to entertain the kids, so I did a little Java game. Then it was almost fun, so I ported it to Android. Then Staffan got involved and made graphics. Then we’ve been at it trying to get it to be as fun as possible.

I think we have succeed, if you have an Android phone, please download it and have a look, it’s called DunkaDunk and it’s at the Android Market (and it’s free)

Here are some screenshots for you to look at while you get your phone up:

iPad stand

I’ve been dabbling with making iPad stands this weekend. They are just prototypes, made with a little to basic tools. The round I accidentally broke and glued together. But I think it will be awesome when I do a few for real with the help of my brother and all his glorious power tools.

The prototyping proved that they are good enough to put into production (although a small series), msg me if you want one.