Stupid skateboard

Me and Lukas remade a 5:- skateboard we found at a yard sale.

it features a shopping cart wheel in the front, the stylish wooden parts are to “force” the wheel to always face forward. We had some minor accidents while prototyping and the wheel could go in any direction.

We’re gonna try it in a nice sloped concrete setting, because riding it indoors or out on the road we have by the house is impossible.

Built another skateboard.

This time it’s a mini-longboard. or a mini-cruiser.

I’ve got european size 45 shoes, big feet, small longboard.

And an octopus as motive. I like tentacles.

It was real hard to skate on at first, since the other skateboards I’ve used are so much longer and wider. The “danger” zones on those big ones are all that is left for this little one.

it’s roughly 45 by 17cm. There are 9 layers of birch(i think).
The wheels are low to midrange in price, as are the rest of the hardware, still, the wheel’s turn as they should it responds real quick.

Gonna make a video as soon as I’ve practiced some more on my biggest trick: “not falling on my head or looking like a total ass”

Made a longboard

Soooo, I made a longboard.

There are a lot of tutorials out on the internet on how to make a longboard. a longboard is a longer skateboard, with larger wheels. It’s not as much for making tricks and going down ramps and such, you can, but, well I babble, sorry.

First of I went and bought good wheels and bearings, then I mounted them on a paper, looked good.

Then me and my kid brother went and cut out that shape and mounted the wheels on it, just to try it. worked great.

Then I added some love to it, sanding down the edges and painted it some, this is the result. For griptape I used “halkskydd” for stairs and such. the best thing is that it already had the glue on the back, just peel of the protective skin and apply.

I also cut out a stylish skull with my CNC cutter.

Sadly It broke at the front, so I had to cut it down some, so now it’s a not as long-board as it used to be. Have some more sanding to do, but it actually handles better. It’s easier to find the middle of the board when the board is smaller. I’ve also learned how to foot-break.

I also put the holes for the screws at the front to far up, so I’m guessing I’ll be remaking the deck real soon now.

The kids today!

When I grew up skateboarding was 99% about getting the speed up to fail a trick. You had to step up on the skateboard and then wiggle back and forth to get the speed from standing still. It was dead hard, and boring, and one of the reasons that I never really did more then trying.
But the kids today just dont do that, they kick of with their feet or just pushes of into speed directly, why did we not think about that when I was young? What was our problem? Why did everyone do that? And it was not only Swedes, my friend Neal from UK had the exact same Epiphany.

So why am I talking about skateboarding? Well my kid sister Sofie’s boyfriend Love is starting up a skateboard production company called Red Wall Movement some more images here I decided to be a patron of the arts and get one.

Then I really had to dive into all the skateboarding things so I knew what I was getting, long story short, I’ve built 3 skateboards myself, one of them is burned up and will never be spoken of again. The other 2 are one for Tova and one for Lukas. They enjoy going downhill real fast.

This is Love’s board to the left, and the kids boards (that I made) in different forms of readiness. We’ve since painted them and attached wheels and so-forth.

I’ve also gotten a helmet. I look like a retard, but I can say that I want to be a good role-model for the kids, witch is sort of the truth, but I’m more afraid to get hurt.

Baconegg prepared in microwave.

Yes dear blogreaders, it is time again for a culinary blog-post.

I was introduced to the novel concept of preparing eggs in the micro-wave. Apparently all you have to do is oil the inside of a glass or eggcup, put the egg (without the shell) inside the glass and microwave it and it you would have a nice egg.

I thought I could do better.

So I added substituted the oil for bacon, it tasted great, although the short period I had the egg in the microwave did not make the bacon crisp. Some pre-preparation might be suitable to obtain that result. But I like non-crisp bacon, so it was a win for me.

Here are pictures of the dish:

Applying sliced bacon to the sides of a glass.

Adding the egg.

This is the result, upside down, on a glass plate.

Sliced and ready for consumption!

My OpenPandora has arrived, finally

In 2008 I ordered a device that would have been the first hand held with OpenGL 2.0 ES compliant 3D hardware. It was supposed to arrive for Christmas that year. It did not, I kinda figured that it wouldent, but it’s nice to think it would. So I hoped for 2009, but no. Then in 2010 I figured that the Pandora’s me and Linus orderd (and payed) back in 08 would arrive, but no.

Today it arrived.

The unboxing was pretty uninteresting, wrapped in bubble plastic, with a charger and thin manual. The first thing that strikes me is that it’s a lot bigger then i thought it would be, and a lot more plastic. It was half charged so I could start to use it directly.

So for build quality, I’m not impressed. The plastic is skewed and misscolored on a great many places. the nubs even though they feel great don’t align to center when you release them. There are LED’s on both sides but the ones on the right are not inserted correctly. I have to use pliers and brute-force to get the stylus out. Seriously, I asked a few colleagues and I was the only one that had enough force in my fingers to pry it the stylus out. The hinge for the screen makes a nasty scratching sound. The hinge have two hard positions, closed or full open everything in between is unstable. If you use the stylus on the screen you have to hold on the back of the screen or it will flip over. Speaking of using the stylus on the screen, you can feel uneven things behind the screen, there are hills and holes behind it, makes for a very bad experience. The ABXY buttons have a tendencies to stay pressed down,  my a-button have been stuck that a few times. The keypad buttons feel like buttons on a remote-control from the early 80ies. The bottom of it is round. but on the “good” way so that it does not wobble, I’m however never happy when batteries are mis-shaped.

The Ångström distribution seems to work ok, but the WLAN dies after a while, and then you have to reboot, and then you have to enable the usage of WLAN, and then you’re probably up again.

It does play mp3’s pretty well, little thin on the bass, but that is understandable.

So why did I not cancel my order? well, I want to build a multilayerd sampler/effect machine and the beagle-board that is inside the pandora is exactly what I wanted. I’m also thinking about retiring the old xbox xbmc mediacenter that I’m using now BUT the extension-cable we order are not being manufactured yet. And anyway XBMC crashed on me, and the wlan is to unstable and I would never gig with an app built on software that is so prone to crash even after applying hotfix 5.

I hope that my initial disappointment will wear of and I will find some great use for it, but for now I’m not impressed.

Dear postal services, everywhere

A package, parcel, box or letter is not sent or on it’s way if there only is a tracking number for a package, parcel, box or letter created. The item needs to be set on a truck, lorry, boat, train or aeroplane for it to actually be shipped. Please fix your terminology, it will help me sleep better at night.

In other news, I’ve ordered some stuff on the internet and the waiting is awful, especially since above!

Music chair

Me and the kids wanted to do something a saturday some weeks ago, and since we’ve gotten a subbase or maybe a regular base from their grandfather we’d think we’d do something with that.

The cone on the speaker was pushed in, and it was missing one of it’s feet, so it wiggled a lot.
There where no regular speakers so it was only that.

Thinking that we probably should get some fresh air we walked over to a thriftstore and browsed all the chairs, and one sofa, but we settled for one chair that was perfekt for them to have at their computer.

When we had carried it home we attatched the base speaker to it and also added two sattelite speakers that I had in the garage 🙂

It is a succes, the bass kicks you in the butt, the stereo is really stereo and you’re really getting immersed in whatever you are looking at.

We’ve tried it for film-viewing, iPhone/iPad games-playing, we even had it hooked up to Spotify another weekend when we cleaned the house.

I’m sure you can fix one up to, it was fun, easy enough for the kids to help design and build and useful to.

Immersion Composition

A while back I read “The Frustrated Songwriter’s Handbook”.  The book describes the immersion composition teqhnique, wikipedia.

In short it’s a “game” where you “compete” against a few fellow music makers and try as hard as you can to make 20 songs in 12 hours.

So me and three friends tried it out yesterday. I ended up with 18 songs and a few that where actually good.

I learned a lot about my own creative process and I’ll definitively learn some chords and an instrument to play them on. Probably the keytar.

Anyways Staffan has made his favorite song public, it’s here:
Kallelse by Staffan Lincoln

And you can read more about it here.

And here is the one I’m choosing to share with you all, it’s in samic style
006 – Jojk by Larsby

New mailbox and a hydrophonic plantgrower

A while ago (2 years) our mailman squished our mailbox with his bike and it has been a little wonky ever since. Almost as long ago we got a new mailbox and I’ve finally used the CNC machine in my basement to put our name on it. And since Lukas was home sick today and me at home taking care of him I had no excuse to not put it up.

But not before we made this little beauty:

It’s a 10l bucket with a a pump and a hose that moves the water and fertilizer from the bottom to the top where it pours down over some clay pebbles that holds the plants there. I find DIY hydroponics are very interesting. It shall be most interesting to see if and how good this works.